some blasts from the past

Copywriting…and more.



As the Leadership Resident with the women of the Harpswell Foundation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Meredith maintained a blog dedicated to women’s empowerment and independent travel. Explore here.



Meredith was a writer for Smartypants Pictures, a Brooklyn-based production company. Clients include Delta Airlines, the International Rescue Committee,, and more.

Copy portfolio available upon request:

For now, listen to this script she wrote for Self-Evident, a miniseries developed in partnership with PBS.

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As the Games Creative Writing Intern for Hasbro, Inc., Meredith wrote, edited, and brainstormed package copy, rules, creative content, and cross-promotional materials for games like Monopoly, Speak Out, and Pie Face.

Copy portfolio available upon request:


Journalism and social media.

Storybench is Northeastern School of Journalism’s “behind the scenes” online publication on the future of journalism and enjoys 50,000 monthly visitors from around the world. As the newsletter editor and contributing writer, Meredith created weekly email newsletters for over 2,100 subscribers and over 6,000 Twitter followers. Read articles here and the newsletter archive here.


On the role of satire.

Meredith is low-key, high-key obsessed with her capstone thesis, “Advocacy Satire: Late-Night TV’s Antidote to Trump Fatigue.” Given the blurred lines of political entertainment and the rising trend of “investigative comedy,” this paper both examines the emergence of “advocacy satire” as a genre and includes a framework to both characterize and create advocacy satire. Read it here.



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